Talent Guide
Tracy Droz Tragos

- Discipline:Director, Producer
- Program Year:Documentary Lab 2013
Tracy Droz Tragos produced and directed Be Good, Smile Pretty which aired on PBS’s Independent Lens and won the 2004 EMMY for Best Documentary. This was a personal film about Tragos’ search to know her father who was killed in Vietnam. With Rich Hill, Tragos returns to her father’s hometown to explore the place she often visited as a child. While this new film takes a different approach, the feelings are similar: children knowing their place in the world, struggling to be a part of a family, however broken and scattered it may be, and to belong to a community, even if it is falling apart. Tragos started her career at DreamWorks, SKG as writer/producer in their interactive division. She has produced documentary series for E! Entertainment Television, has been a judge for The Humanitas Prize, and was a guest lecturer at USC on documentary filmmaking. She holds a BA in English from Northwestern University and an MFA in Cinema/Television from USC. Rich Hill marks Tragos’ return to filmmaking after a hiatus for motherhood – and only the first, she hopes, of many collaborations with her cousin, Andrew Droz Palermo.