Talent Guide

Jennifer Huang

  • Discipline:Director
  • Program Year:CNN Docuseries Intensive 2022


As a Chinese American child growing up in Kansas, Jennifer was bullied relentlessly. This foundational experience led to her lifelong commitment to fight injustice, especially for women, children, and people of color. After more than fifteen years of work in film and television, she made her directorial debut with the documentary short, This Adventure Called California, and is in production on her first feature-length documentary, The Long Rescue. Previously, Jennifer co-produced From Baghdad to the Bay, and Standing on Sacred Ground. She associate-produced Jacques Pépin: The Art of Craft, a PBS American Masters production, and at JAK Doc (a department of Lucasfilm) she wrote and produced Harlem’s Hellfighters: Black Soldiers of World War I, and associate-produced nine other films. Additionally, Jennifer has worked as a writer, field producer, and associate producer on independent films and productions for PBS, Anonymous Content, the Travel Channel, HGTV, TNT, and AZN TV. In 2010, she helped develop an augmented reality concept for the Sacred Land Film Project at BAVC’s Producers Institute, and in 2013 was a BAVC MediaMaker fellow with From Baghdad to the Bay. In 2022 Jennifer won the Shifting Voices Film Fund the Movies that Matter Impact Pitch.

Current Project

The Long Rescue


The Long Rescue follows Filipina teen sex trafficking survivors for six years as they recover in a secret shelter and re-enter the world – hoping to overcome the poverty, predators, and pimps of their childhood. Full of dreams and love for their families, they must navigate a callous society and their own embodied trauma before they can truly thrive.