Talent Guide

Gonzalo Justiniano

  • Discipline:Director, Writer
  • Program Year:Fast Track 2005


Born in Santiago de Chile in 1955,Gonzalo Justiniano was in the 2004 Los Angeles Film Festival with his feature B-Happy. He studied in Paris at the Universidad de Paris VII and at the Louis Lumiere Film School. Justiniano made numerous documentaries for French television, and returned to Chile in 1984 to work as a correspondent. Since then he has made numerous feature films, including the acclaimed and award-winning Amnesia.

Current Project

Lupita (Narrative Feature)


Lupita is the comedic story of a young Mexican girl who escapes from a mental hospital and wants to show she is not as fool as people thinks. - See more at: http://talent.filmindependent.org/filmmakers/gonzalo-justiniano/#sthash.72G0gFXd.dpuf