Talent Guide
Everardo Gonzalez Reyes

- Discipline:Director
- Program Year:Grants and Awards 2012
Everardo Gonzalez Reyes is one of the most solid voices of Mexican Documentary and his work has been recognized in more than 40 countries and festivals. His documentary, The Open Sky (2011), was nominated for the Silver Ariel for Best Documentary by The Mexican Academy of Cinematography. In 2007, he concluded his second feature documentary Los Ladrones Viejos (The Old Thieves), which has received several awards and honorable mentions as the Silver Ariel Awards for Best Mexican Documentary feature and Best Feature Film Editing, the Golden Ariel nomination for Best Picture and Best Director Award for Best Documentary Feature, Mayahuel Prize at the XXII International Film Festival in Guadalajara, Honorable Mention for Best Documentary Feature at the XII Iberoamerican International Film Festival in Guadalajara, Special Mention Award for Best Documentary in the XVI Festival of Biarritz d’Amerique Latine and the Prize Jose Rovirosa for Best Mexican Documentary, given by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
In 2003, Gonzalez finished his first feature documentary La Cancion del Pulque (Pulque Song), which received the Silver Ariel for Best Feature Documentary and Ariel nomination for Best Opera Prima, Mayahuel Awards for Best Cinematography and Editing and Mexican Feature Special Mention of the International Catholic Organization for Best Feature Film at the XVIII Mexican Film Festival in Guadalajara Mexico and the Special Jury Award at the 1st Morelia International Film Festival.
He is currently member of the National System of Art Creators of Mexico.