Talent Guide
Emily Carlton

- Discipline:Writer
- Program Year:Episodic Lab 2019
Emily graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Politics that she has yet to use. Her
journalistic credits include OutThere Magazine, The Times and LOVE. She now works as a
screenwriter. Her debut feature film Mati is in production with Handsome Films, filming in October
2019. She has had three shorts produced: ALL of Me (2017), has played at 25 festivals, The
Invader’s Song (2018) premiered at Palm Springs and Full English (2018) won ‘Best Screenplay’
at LiftOff 2019. In her spare time, Emily runs ‘Breaking Through The Lens’, connecting female
directors to financiers at film markets.
Current Project
Lesbian Bed DeathLogline
A young lesbian living in a rat-infested flatshare with her queer flatmates challenges her preconceptions about what a lesbian relationship can be by exploring the outer limits of queer sex and dating.