Talent Guide

Christopher de las Alas

  • Discipline:Director
  • Program Year:Project Involve 2017


Christopher de las Alas was born to two Filipino immigrant parents in Fair eld, CA. Growing up in a military family, he moved often, eventually attending high school on a U.S. Navy Base in Japan where he became interested in movies and hip-hop music. His short film, For Ofelia, screened at 19 film festivals and won the DGA Student Award for Best Asian-American Filmmaker, a Special Jury Award at the Florida Film Festival, Best Writer at the NBC Universal Shorts Fest and Best Student Narrative Short at the RiverRun International Film Festival. He attended NYU TischAsia in Singapore and is in post-production for his feature length documentary Ordinaries, that follows the first woman to cross the U.S. on a high-wheel bicycle.