Scars Unseen

A series about the triumph of the human spirit...

Project type: Nonfiction Episodic
Project status: Production
Co-Director/Producer: Meredith Yinger
Co-director/Director of Photography: Natalie Perez
Music Composers: Lars Hempel and Michael Firmont
Founder/Partner: Trish Steele (Safe Passage, Women Crowned in Glory, Time 2 Heal)
Partner: Maha Bodhi (Yoga Alliance Teacher, Creator of Master the Flow of Life)
Twitter: @scarsunseendoc
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A documentary series about the triumph of the human spirit, following six men and women who have overcome domestic violence.


In each episode of the six-part series, one of our subjects will recount their experience involving domestic violence, focusing on what it took for them to overcome. Whether they were formerly abused or if they formerly abused another person, we will dive deep into who or what allowed them to see a better life for themselves.

Understanding that domestic violence is cyclical in nature, this documentary will also focus on the untold side of the story — life after abuse.

In addition, we will include interviews with subject professionals: medical, psychological, legal, and social. This documentary will explore the causes, signs, treatment, and prevention of domestic violence.

Make a donation to Scars Unseen.

Meet the Filmmakers

Meredith Yinger — Co-Director/Producer

Meredith is an independent filmmaker, host and entrepreneur. She loves to bring stories to life through the magic of film. Whether it be short documentaries, interviewing subject experts, or how to make the most bomb guacamole, Meredith has your back. Meredith’s short film, Avo-Wiedersehen, is a Moving Pictures Festival nominee. Her other works include: Hurry Up and Wait, a social justice web series she wrote, produced and performed in and many more. She is currently in post-production, along with Natalie, on a female empowerment documentary called Story in Her Eyes, following seven inspiring women’s stories of love, hope, and overcoming abuse.

Natalie Perez — Co-Director/Director of Photography

Natalie Perez is an LA-based cinematographer and filmmaker. Her work includes narrative and documentary films, shorts, and web series— from quirky comedies to dark thrillers, dynamic musicals to stark dramas. Natalie’s passion stems from genuine and honest stories that capture human emotion and connection. She strives to create visual pieces of art in every frame.

Lars Hempel and Michael Firmont — Composers

Lars Hempel and Michael Firmont are two studied film composers who have been working together under the umbrella of their established film composition brand Hempel&Firmont since 2015. Having entirely different musical backgrounds, Hempel&Firmont cover a great variety of compositional styles — surely one of the major aspects that give the duo their unique edge and already enabled them to successfully realize a bunch of international projects in Los Angeles, Germany, Great Britain and Asia. Thanks to professional education in audio engineering, Hempel&Firmont consistently deliver excellent quality of production.

Trish Steele — Founder of Safe Passage, Women Crowned in Glory and Time 2 Heal

Trish Steele, Founder and CEO of Women Crowned In Glory, Inc./Safe Passage has spent twenty-seven years reaching out to all women, encouraging and directing them to fulfill their calling in life. As an author, model, beauty consultant and spokesperson, Trish brings great awareness to the issues of domestic violence and is an amazing example of how an abused woman can be restored to start a new life of success. Trish drew upon her own past experience with domestic violence, overcoming all forms of abuse, and hopelessness. She has also conquered hearing loss as a result of childhood fever, which proves that any challenge can become a person’s greatest victory. Safe Passage helps women find various services, such as shelter from abusers, job placement, makeovers, and a new place to live. The mission of Safe Passage is to give survivors a new life, with the hope of building confidence and leaders that can give back to the community.

Maha Bodhi — Yoga Alliance Teacher and Creator of Master the Flow of Life

Maha Bodhi is a refugee from Yemen who had a brutal upbringing, as she was forced into arranged marriage twice, survived multiple death threatening situations and two civil wars. Arrived in the U.S. in 2006, she found freedom and her true self as she went on a healing journey by practicing yoga for over a decade and eventually studied with internationally recognized yoga teachers Travis Eliot and Lauren Ekstrom. She currently is a 300 hours Yoga-Alliance certified teacher and the creator of Master the Flow of Life – a 10 day transformational yogic program that is delivered and accessible at Maha also earned a masters degree in Organizational Behavior and works with Fortune 100 companies to help educate their leaders on how to create a productive, healthy and happy work environment for their people. Maha now lives a purposeful fulfilling life inspiring others and being of service in sunny Santa Monica, California.

Make a donation to Scars Unseen.


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